论文著作 1. Zhengnan Li#, Pingping Sun#, Lei Zhang, Shuang Song*. First report of basella rugose mosaic virus infecting Anredera cordifolia in mainland of China. Crop Protection. 2021,139: 105350. 2. 宋爽, 张磊, 孙平平, 李正男*. 水蜡A病毒在呼和浩特市和哈尔滨市紫丁香上的发生及其基因组分子特征分析. 植物保护学报. 2021, 48(3): 645-651 3. Shuang Song, Jie Cui, Gui-jie Lei, Yu-Fei Chen, Ming-Xiu Yang, Zheng-Nan Li*, Jun-Hua Zhang*. Occurrence, infectivity and molecular characterization of hosta virus X in North-east China. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology. 2020, 42(4): 595-603. 4. Shuang Song#, Lei Zhang#, Qiang Wang, Jun-hua Zhang, Zheng-nan Li*. Identification and characterization of the first complete genome sequence of prune dwarf virus in China. Phytopathologia Mediterranea. 2020, 59(2): 371-376. 5. Shuang Song, Yao Zhang, Huan Liu, Chun-Qing Pan, Ming-Xiu Yang, Jing-Feng Ding, Jun-Hua Zhang*. Isolation and characterization of Xanthomonas euvesicatoria pv. euvesicatoria causing bacterial spot in Physalis pubescens in Northeast China. Journal of Plant Pathology. 2019, 101 (2): 361-366. 6. Shuang Song, Huan Liu, Junhua Zhang, Chunqing Pan, Zhengnan Li*. Identification and characterization of complete genome sequence of Alfalfa mosaic virus infecting Gynostemma pentaphyllum. European Journal of Plant Pathology. 2019, 154: 491-497. 7. Shuang Song, Ping-ping Sun, Ya-han Chen, Qiang Ma, Xiao-yun Wang, Ming-min Zhao*, Zheng-nan Li*. Complete genome sequences of five Prunus necrotic ringspot virus isolates from Inner Mongolia of China and comparison to other PNRSV isolates around the world. Journal of Plant Pathology. 2019, 101(4): 1047-1054. 8. Zhengnan Li, Xingkai Lu, Pingping Sun, Jinhua Shen*, Shuang Song*. Complete genome sequence of Alfalfa mosaic virus infecting Mentha haplocalyx in China. Phytopathologia Mediterranea. 2019, 58: N25462. 9. Shuang Song, Zhengnan Li, Weixiao Song, Wei Chen, Yunfeng Wu*. Complete genomic sequence of a sweet cherry isolate of Prunus necrotic ringspot virus from China. Journal of Plant Pathology. 2016, 98(1): 163-166. 10. Shuang Song, Ye Tao, Lei Zhao, Ping Liu, Yunfeng Wu*. Isolation and characterization of complete genome of Barley yellow dwarf virus-GAV from wheat in Northwestern China. Cereal Research Communications. 2014,42(4): 620-628 11. Shuang Song, Ye Tao, Huawei Zhang, Yunfeng Wu*. Psathyrostachys huashanica, a potential resource for resistance to Barley yellow dwarf virus-GAV. European Journal of Plant Pathology. 2013,137: 217-221.