· 姓名:王金刚
· 性别:男
· 职称:教授
· 硕、博导:博导
· 学科领域:园艺
· 研究方向:风景园林
· 办公地点:园艺楼501
· 办公电话:55190743
· 电子邮件:wangjingang99@neau.edu.cn
学习经历: 1993.09--1997.07 东北师范大学生命科学学院生物专业学习 1999.09--2002.07 东北农业大学果树学专业在职硕士研究生学习,获农学硕士学位 2002.09--2006.01 东北农业大学作物栽培学与耕作学专业博士研究生; 2006.12--2009.12 东北林业大学林学专业博士后; 2010.08--2011.08 荷兰瓦格宁根大学植物育种课题组访问学者; 工作经历: 1997.07--2003.03 齐齐哈尔大学生命科学与工程学院教师;2003.03--2006.04 东北农业大学园艺学院讲师; 2006.04—2007.09东北农业大学园艺学院讲师,园林系副主任; 2007.09—2011.09东北农业大学园艺学院副教授,园林系副主任; 2009.03--2010.08 大庆市大同区挂职任林源镇副镇长; 2011.09—2012.04 东北农业大学园艺学院教授,园林系副主任 2012.04—至今 东北农业大学园艺学院教授,园林系主任
讲授风景园林学科前沿专题讲座等研究生课程和园林植物组织培养、中外园林史等本科生课程。 |
2十三五重点研发项目:东北森林区石竹类等花卉资源新品种选育与快繁技术研究与示范 科技部 2016.07—2020.12
1) Zhou AM#, Liu EH#, Liu J, Feng S, Gong SF*, Wang JG*. (2018). Characterization of increased cuticular wax mutant and analysis of genes involved in wax biosynthesis in Dianthus spiculifolius. Horticulture Research, 5:40. (SCI收录, IF: 3.64,一区TOP)
2) Ma HP, Zhao JC, Feng S, Qiao K, Gong S, Wang JG*, Zhou AM*. (2020) Heterologous expression of nitrate assimilation related-protein DsNAR2.1/NRT3.1 affects uptake of nitrate and ammonium in nitrogen-starved Arabidopsis. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21(11), 4027. (SCI收录, IF: 4.183, 二区TOP)
3) Wang JG#, Dai SY#, Sun HW, Liu EH, Zhou M, Feng S, Qiao K, Gong SF, Zhou AM*. (2020). The N-terminal and third transmembrane domain of PsCor413im1 are essential for targeting to chloroplast envelope membrane. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 527(4):929-934. (SCI收录, IF: 2.705, 三区)
4) Wang JG, Liu SY, Ma HP, Tao Y, Feng S, Gong SF, Zhang JZ, Zhou AM*. (2020). Reliable and efficient Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated genetic transformation of Dianthus spiculifolius. Horticultural Plant Journal, 6: 199-204. (SCI收录, IF:1.543)
5) Zhou AM#, Sun HW#, Dai SY, Feng S, Zhang JZ, Gong SF*, Wang JG*. (2019). Identification of transcription factors involved in the regulation of flowering in Adonis amurensis through combined RNA-seq transcriptomics and iTRAQ proteomics. Genes, 10: 305. (SCI收录, IF: 3.331, 三区)
6) Zhou AM#, Liu EH#, Li H, Li Y, Feng S, Gong SF, Wang JG*. (2018). PsCor413pm2, a plasma membrane-localized, cold-regulated protein from Phlox subulata, confers low temperature tolerance in Arabidopsis. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 19:2579. (SCI收录, IF: 4.183, 三区)
7) Zhou AM#, Ma HP#, Feng S, Gong SF, Wang JG*. (2018). DsSWEET17, a tonoplast- localized sugar transporter from Dianthus spiculifolius, affects sugar metabolism and confers multiple stress tolerance in Arabidopsis. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 19: 1564. (SCI收录, IF: 4.183, 三区)
8) Zhou AM#, Liu EH#, Ma HP, Feng S, Gong SF*, Wang JG*. (2018). NaCl-induced expression of AtVHA-c5 gene in the roots plays a role in response of Arabidopsis to salt stress. Plant Cell Reports, 37: 443-452. (SCI收录, IF: 3.499, 三区)
9) Zhou AM#, Ma HP#, Feng S, Gong SF, Wang JG*. (2018). A novel sugar transporter from Dianthus spiculifolius, DsSWEET12, affects sugar metabolism and confers osmotic and oxidative stress tolerance in Arabidopsis. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 19(2): 497. (SCI收录, IF: 4.183, 三区)
10) Zhou AM#,*, Sun HW#, Feng S, Zhou M, Gong SF, Wang JG, Zhang SZ*. (2018). A novel cold-regulated gene from Phlox subulata, PsCor413im1, enhances low temperature tolerance in Arabidopsis. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 495: 1688-1694. (SCI收录, IF: 2.705, 三区)
11) Zhou AM, Ma HP, Liu EH, Jiang TT, Feng S, Gong SF*, Wang JG*. (2017). Transcriptome sequencing of Dianthus spiculifolius and analysis of the genes involved in responses to combined cold and drought stress. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 18(4):849. (SCI收录, IF: 4.183, 三区)
12) Wang JG#, Zhou AM#, Li Y, Li SS, Zhang XH, Che DD*. (2016). Overexpression of IrlVHA-c, a vacuolar-type H+-ATPase c subunit gene from Iris lactea, enhances salt tolerance in tobacco. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter, 34(5):877-885. (SCI收录, IF: 1.604, 四区)
1专利 大油芒细小种子喷气自分离脱籽装置,ZL2017 10492022.8,2019