· 姓名:高丹美
· 性别: 女
· 职称: 讲师
· 硕、博导: 硕导
· 学科领域:设施蔬菜连作障碍防控技术、蔬菜营养生理生态与分子生物学
· 研究方向: 设施园艺与蔬菜生理生态
· 办公地点:园艺楼301
· 办公电话:18846193606
· 电子邮件:dmgao2019@neau.edu.cn
2007.09至2012.06,河南科技学院,园 艺,学士
1. 丛枝菌根网络介导番茄和分蘖洋葱间钾元素传递的诱因及其作用机理,国家自然科学基金项目,2022.01-2024.12.
2. 丛枝菌根真菌及碳库强度在调控番茄-分蘖洋葱间钾元素传递中作用,黑龙江省自然科学基金项目,2020.07-2023.07.
3. 菌根辅助细菌在分蘖洋葱间作番茄根际定殖及对番茄生长的影响,东农学者计划“青年才俊”项目,2020-03至2022-03.
1. Gao DM, Pan XJ, Khashi u Rahman M, Zhou XG, Wu FZ. Common mycorrhizal networks benefit to the asymmetric interspecific facilitation via K exchange in an agricultural intercropping system. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 2021, 57(7): 959-971.
2. Gao DM, Pan XJ, Zhou XG, Wei Z, Li NH, Wu FZ. Phosphorus fertilization and intercropping interactively affect tomato and potato onion growth and rhizosphere arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal community. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 2021, 67(7): 919-933.
3. Gao DM, Zhou XG, Duan YD, Fu XP, Wu FZ. Wheat cover crop promoted cucumber seedling growth through regulating soil nutrient resources or soil microbial communities?. Plant and Soil, 2017, 418(1): 459-475.
4. Zhou XG, Gao DM, Zhao ML, Zhang JH, Li L, Wu FZ. Dynamics of soil bacterial communities in Jerusalem artichoke monocropping system. Allelopathy Journal, 2016, 39: 167-178.
5. Li NH, Gao DM, Zhou XG, Chen SC, Li CX, Wu FZ. Intercropping with potato-onion enhanced the soil microbial diversity of tomato. Microorganisms, 2020, 8(6): 834.
6. Li S, Gao DM, Guo X, Zhou XG, Wu FZ. Effects of different summer cover crops and residue management on plant growth and soil microbial community. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology, 2017, 19(6):1350-1356.
7. Khashi u Rahman M, Wang XX, Gao DM, Zhou XG, Wu FZ. Root exudates increase phosphorus availability in the tomato/potato onion intercropping system. Plant and Soil, 2021: 1-18.
8. He XJ, Xie H, Gao DM, Khashi u Rahman M, Zhou XG, Wu FZ. Biochar and intercropping with potato–onion enhanced the growth and yield advantages of tomato by regulating the soil properties, nutrient uptake, and soil microbial community. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2021: 2334.
9. Zhou XG, Zhang JH, Gao DM, Gao H, Guo MY, Li L, Zhao ML, Wu FZ. Conversion from long-term cultivated wheat field to Jerusalem artichoke plantation changed soil fungal communities. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7:41502.
10. Yang F, Li MQ, Xin YY, Gao DM, Wu FZ. Effects of flavonoids from potato-onion on Fusarium wilt fungus of tomato. Allelopathy Journal, 2019, 47(1):119-126.
11. Gong XY, Yang F, Li MQ, Gao DM, Wu FZ. Effects of volatiles from potato-onion on tomato and Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici. Allelopathy Journal, 2019, 47(1):113-118.
12. Gong XY, Shi JB, Zhou XG, Yuan T, Gao DM, Wu FZ. Crop rotation with cress increases cucumber yields by regulating the composition of the rhizosphere soil microbial community. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2021, 12: 556.
13. 高丹美, 吴凤芝, 周新刚. 活性炭对土壤酶活性及黄瓜幼苗生长的影响.新疆农业科学,2014,51(06):1154-1161.
14. 田晴, 高丹美, 李慧, 刘守伟, 周新刚, 吴凤芝. 小麦根系分泌物对西瓜连作土壤真菌群落结构的影响.中国农业科学,2020,53(05):1018-1028.
15. 高欢, 吴凤芝, 周新刚, 高丹美, 杨万基. 亚低温对不同品种番茄幼苗干物质积累与氮磷吸收及分配的影响.西北农业学报,2018,27(07):994-1001.
1. 高丹美, 李乃荟, 高欢, 龚小雅, 杨帆, 周新刚, 吴凤芝, 潘凯. 一种研究稳定同位素示踪验证菌根网络在植物间作用装置, CN208857268U[P]. 2019.
2. 高丹美, 高欢, 段亚东, 李红玉, 周新刚, 吴凤芝, 潘凯. 一种研究番茄与分蘖洋葱间作中丛枝菌根网络作用装置, CN207706794U[P]. 2018.