科研工作 |
国家自然科学基金面上项目 2015-2018 2. 腈降解菌定殖细菌生物膜对氰污染地下水强化生物修复的研究 国家自然科学基金面上项目2013-2016 3. 严寒地区绿色村镇住区环境污染防控技术研究 “十二五”国家科技支撑计划项目子课题 2013-2015 4. 2013年度黑龙江省高校科技创新团队 团队名称:农业环境污染控制与修复 项目名称:农田典型优先有机污染物的生物修复
黑龙江省教育厅科学技术研究面上项目 2013-2015
6. 氰降解菌定殖于细菌生物膜处理含氰有机废水的研究 黑龙江省自然科学基金 2011-2013 7. 大豆田长残效除草剂降解基因工程菌的构建及污染生物修复技术的研究 黑龙江省博士后科研启动资助金 2010-2012 8. 水田残留除草剂降解基因工程菌的构建及生物修复技术的研究 黑龙江省教育厅科学技术研究项目 2009-2011 9. 兴凯湖地区农田中农药污染特征及迁移规律研究 “十一五”国家科技支撑计划项目子课题 2008-2010 10. 微载体大规模培养细胞增殖流感病毒模型的建立 中国博士后基金 2007-2010
近五年代表性论文: 发表论文40余篇,近期主要第一作者及通讯作者论文包括(﹡代表通讯作者):
1.Ning Hou, Fengzhao Feng, Yan Shi, Huiming Cao, Chunyan Li*, Zhi Cao, Yi Cheng. Characterization of the extracellular biodemulsifiers secreted by Bacillus cereus LH-6 and the enhancement of demulsifying efficiency by optimizing the cultivation conditions. Environmental Science and Pollution Research . 014.21(17):10386-10398(SCI ,IF=2.757)
2. Chunyan Li, Yue Li, Xiaosong Cheng, Liping Feng, Chuanwu Xi, Ying Zhang, Immobilization of Rhodococcus rhodochrous BX2 (an Acetonitrile-Degrading Bacterium) with Biofilm-forming Bacteria for Wastewater Treatment. Bioresource Technology. 131 (2013) 390–396. (SCI ,IF=5.039) 3. Minghua Xiong, Zhiguang Hu, Ying Zhang, Xiaosong Cheng, Chunyan Li*.
Survival of GFP-tagged Rhodococcus sp. D310-1 in Chlorimuronethyl-contaminated Soil and Its Effects on the Indigenous Microbial Community. Journal of Hazardous Materials 。2013, 252 :347–354 (SCI ,IF=4.33) 4. Liping Feng, Minghua Xiong, Xiaosong Cheng, Ning Hou, Chunyan Li*.
Construction and Analysis of an Intergeneric Fusant Able to Degrade Bensulfuron-methyl and Butachlor. Biodegradation. (2013) 24:47–56 (SCI, IF=2.014) 5. Minghua Xiong, Xiaosong Cheng, Junbo Pan, Chuanwu Xi and Chunyan Li﹡.
Isolation and characterization of Rhodococcus sp. BX2 capable of degrading bensulfuron-methyl. African Journal of Microbiology Research. 5(25), 4295-4302, 2011 (SCI, IF=0.528) 6. Chunhong Xu, Xiaosong Cheng, Chunyan Li﹡,Minghua Xiong, Junbo Pan, Xuesong
Li. Study on Combination and Bioremediation of Chlorimuron-ethyl-degrading Strains. Advanced Materials Research Vol. 340 (2012) pp 215-221(EI, 20114214433928) 7. Minghua Xiong, Xiaosong Cheng, Hailian Zang, Junbo Pan, Chunhong Xu, Chunyan Li﹡. Isolation of a novel Chlorimuron-ethyl-degrading bacterium Rhodococcus sp. D310-1. The 5th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering.(EI, 20112814141008) 8. Chunyan Li﹡,Xiaosong Cheng, Chunhong Xu, Junbo Pan, Minghua Xiong.
Isolation of a Chlorimuron-ethyl Degradation Bacterium and Its Bioremediation in Contamination Soil. The 5th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering.(EI, 20112814141007) 9. Liping Feng, Xiaosong Cheng, Chunyan Li﹡, Chunhong Xu, Minghua Xiong, Junbo
Pan. Protoplast Formation and Regeneration of Rhodococcus sp. BX2. 2010. 3rd International Conference on Future Biomedical Information Engineering. 10. 孙晶,熊明华,李悦,成小松,臧海莲,李春艳﹡. Rhodococcus sp.BX2乙腈降解特性及其降解途径研究.环境科学学报,2012.32(5):1041-1048 11. 李悦,熊明华,成小松,孙晶,臧海莲,潘俊波,李春艳﹡.一株乙腈降解菌的鉴定及其生物学特性.微生物学通报,2012.52(2):250-255 12.李雪松,陈欣,符芳,王伟,田华彬,朗越坤,徐春红,李曦,李春艳﹡.副猪嗜血杆菌黑龙江株的分离与鉴定.中国预防兽医学报,2011.3:236-239 13.李艳春,熊明华,肖 晶, 李春艳﹡.一株丁草胺降解菌的分离鉴定及其降解特性的研究.微生物学通报,2009.36(8):1178-1182 14.李春艳﹡,肖晶,李曦,刘娣.微载体规模化培养MDCK细胞增殖H9N2亚型禽流感病毒的研究.中国人兽共患病学报,2009.25(12):1149-1153 15.李春艳﹡,李艳春.一株丁草胺降解菌的分离鉴定及培养条件优化.环境科学学报,2010.30(2):347-353 16.臧海莲,熊明华,成小松,李艳春,潘俊波,李春艳﹡.一株咪唑乙烟酸降解菌的分离鉴定及其降解特性的研究.作物杂志,2010.3:40-44
专利: 1. 国家发明专利: 一株胶红酵母菌及其在降解丁草胺中的应用(200910073252.6)发明人:李春艳,成小松,徐春红,张美超,臧海莲,熊明华,孙晶 2. 国家外观专利: 便携式工作台(简易超净)(ZL 2012 3 0171947.0) 发明人:侯宁;李大鹏;李春艳 |