

发布日期:2022-01-25    作者:     来源:     点击:

















20087-20097月,美国Noble Foundation,国家留学基金委公派博士联合培养;


20139-20172月,London Research and Developmental Centre of AAFCNSERC博士后、Research Scientist





1. 植物病毒学,国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金,2021.1-2024.12,主持

2. 苜蓿花叶病毒对大豆的致病机制及大豆抗性资源挖掘研究,中央支持地方高校改革发展资金人才培养支持计划项目,2019.122021.12,主持

3. 马铃薯X病毒编码的TGB2蛋白耦合病毒复制和运动的分子机理研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目2017.1.1-2020.12.30,主持

5. 植物病毒抑制寄主系统性获得免疫的分子机理研究,黑龙江省自然科学基金重点项目,主持

6. 大豆花叶病毒致病性差异的分子机制研究,黑龙江省留学回国人员择优资助项目启动类,主持

7. 利用人工锌指蛋白进行多价抗双生病毒的研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目, 2012.1-2014.12,主持


1. Yameng Luan, Lili Zhang, Ting Sun, Xue Jiang, Xiaoyun Wu, Xiaofei Cheng*. First report of a secovirus associated with mountain celery chlorotic spot disease in Heilongjiang, China. Plant Disease, 2021, doi: 10.1094/PDIS-07-21-1418-PDN.

2. Xiu Su, Xiang Zhou, Yuan Li, Liangjin Ma, Xiaofei Cheng*, Kai Guo*. First report of bean common mosaic virus infecting heavenly bamboo (Nandina demostica) in China. Plant Disease, 2021, doi: 10.1094/PDIS-07-21-1591-PDN.

3. Jiahui Liu, Ye Liu, Yue Fang, Lili Zhang, Kaixin Yu, Xiaoyun Wu, Xiaofei Cheng*. Evaluation of potato virus X resistance in potato cultivars and identification of an innate immunity-independent resistance phenotype. Phytopathology Research, 2021, 3:21.

4. Xiaoyun Wu, Xiaofei Cheng*. Intercellular movement of plant RNA viruses: Targeting replication complexes to the plasmodesma for both accuracy and efficiency. Traffic, 2020, 21:725-736.

5. Xinyang Che, Xue Jiang, Xinlei Liu, Xiaoyan Luan, Qi Liu, Xiaofei Cheng*, Xiaoyun Wu*. First report of Alfalfa mosaic virus on soybean in Heilongjiang, China. Plant Disease, 2020, 104 (11): 3085.

6. Xiaoyun Wu, Jiahui Liu, Xiaofei Cheng*. First report of Camellia japonica associated emaravirus 1 associated with camellia leaf ringspot and flower color-breaking disease in China. Plant Disease, 2020, 104(12): 3271.

7. Mengzhu Chai, Xiaoyun Wu, Jiahui Liu, Yue Fang, Yameng Luan, Xiaoyan Cui, Xueping Zhou, Aiming Wang, Xiaofei Cheng*. P3N-PIPO interacts with P3 via the shared N-terminal domain to recruit viral replication vesicles for cell-to-cell movement. Journal of Virology, 2020, 94(8): e01898-19.

8. Ruonan Zhang, Xiaoyun Wu, Xue Jiang, Xiaoxia Wu, Xiaoyan Luan, Xiaofei Cheng*. Molecular characterization of Common bean curly stunt virus: a novel recombinant geminivirus in China. Archives of Virology, 2020, 165: 257-260.

9. Jiahui Liu, Lili Zhang, Feifei Xu, Mengzhu Chai, Xiaodong Wu, Unsong Kim, Dianqiu Lv, Xiaoyun Wu, Xiaoxia Wu, Xiaofei Cheng*. Molecular analysis of a divergent isolate of potato virus H from potato reveals novel evolutionary feature of carlaviruses. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology, 2020, 42: 116-124.

10. Xiaoyun Wu, Adrian Valli, Juan Antonio Garcia, Xueping Zhou, Xiaofei Cheng*. The tug-of-war between plants and viruses: great progress and many remaining questions. Viruses, 2019, 11: 203.

11. Xiaoyun Wu+, Jiahui Liu+, Mengzhu Chai, Jinhui Wang, Dalong Li, Aiming Wang, Xiaofei Cheng*. The potato virus X TGBp2 protein plays dual functional roles in viral replication and movement. Journal of Virology, 2019, 93: e01635-18.

12. Xiaoyun Wu, Qi Liu, Mengzhu Chai, Lili Zhang, Xiaofei Cheng*, First report of Potato aucuba mosaic virus on potato in China. Plant Disease, 2018 102(12): 2671.

13. Xiaodong Wu, Xiaoyun Wu, Wenbin Li, Xiaofei Cheng *. Molecular characterization of a divergent strain of calla lily chlorotic spot virus infecting celtuce (Lactuca sativa var. augustana) in China. Archives of Virology, 2018, 163(5): 1375-1378.

14. Xiaodong Wu, Xiaofei Cheng*, Wenbin Li*. First report of natural infection of Watermelon mosaic virus on Lagerstroemia indica in China. Plant Disease, 2018, 102(5): 1048.

15. Xiaofei Cheng+, Ruyi Xiong+, Yinzi Li, Fangfang Li, Xueping Zhou, Aiming Wang*. Sumoylation of the Turnip mosaic virus RNA polymerase promotes viral infection by counteracting the host NPR1-mediated immune response. Plant Cell, 2017, 29(3): 508-525. IF = 8.538

16. Xiaofei Cheng, Aiming Wang*. The potyviral silencing suppressor protein VPg mediates degradation of SGS3 via ubiquitination and autophagy pathways. Journal of Virology, 2017, 91(1): e01478-16.



1. 程晓非,武晓云,车欣洋,刘佳慧. 2021. 一种苜蓿花叶病毒的侵染性克隆、重组农杆菌及构建方法,ZL202010461785.8

2. 程晓非,武晓云,刘佳慧. 2021. 一种马铃薯X病毒弱毒疫苗及其制备方法与应用,ZL201811376177.6


1. 获得黑龙江省委教育工委优秀共产党员,2021

2. 获国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金,2020

3. 获得东北农业大学五四青年奖章,2020

4. 入选中央支持地方高校改革发展资金青年人才培养支持计划项目,2019